By - Mark R. Brengelman
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This new, intermediate webinar examines HIPAA changes for 2025 and beyond, including a focus on privacy protections in general apart from HIPAA law.
This webinar covers state actions and law as well as other federal agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission. In addition, new HIPAA laws from 2024 that are being implemented in 2024 will be reviewed.
Erase the uncertainty and doubt about what is coming for HPAA changes in 2025, including data privacy, and the implementation of existing HIPAA laws on the books now to be implemented in 2025.
This is a new, intermediate webinar that will examine HIPAA changes for 2025 and beyond. A greater focus on medical records privacy exists with strengthening federal and other laws now on the books or coming.
First, HIPAA privacy protections now will include references to existing and new state data and medical privacy laws with a focus on areas of concentration in regulation and enforcement for state laws that go beyond HIPAA. We will review projections for data privacy at the state level that supplement HIPAA including an emphasis on children’s protections.
Second, this webinar will examine efforts by other federal agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission to regulate medical privacy and data privacy by health care professionals and the health care industry.
Third, the role of Artificial Intelligence in health care and the data it generates – often from protected health information – will be reviewed with an eye towards HIPAA in 2025. What topic in public protection and the law would be complete with out a review of Artificial Intelligence?
Fourth, the current updates, new changes, and coming modifications to HIPAA in 2025 show many new things on the horizon in health care and medical privacy. This will include the rollout and implementation of new HIPAA laws announced in 2024 for greater privacy and protections for reproductive health care records.
Fifth, this webinar ends with an examination of the continued focus on strict enforcement coming in 2025 by review a multi-million dollar settlement this year with a major hospital over cybersecurity breaches. Health care entities are the number one target of cybercrime and cybersecurity by thieves and criminals, including sometimes, their own health care workers who are bad actors. 2025 will bring continued focus on HIPAA enforcement even in such situations of criminal mischief.
This is an intermediate webinar designed to educate everyone attending to recognize broad changes coming in 2025 for HIPAA and how state laws and even other federal agencies will be mixed in with HIPAA in 2025.
The areas covered in this session include these learning objectives:
HIPAA privacy officers; medical records workers; health care attorneys
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Mark R. Brengelman
Mark holds Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Philosophy from Emory University and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Kentucky. Retiring as an Assistant Attorney General, he now represents: • health care professionals; • two government health care licensure boards, and; • parents and kids in confidential child abuse and neglect cases, termination of parental rights, and adoption proceedings Mark has worked for all three branches of government. He is a frequent continuing education presenter around the country having presented continuing education for over 50 different national and state organizations and private companies. Mark helps his clients navigate the law and ethics and make the rules understandable as applied to them.
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